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Introducing a hive when you keep animals When you consider taking up beekeeping, there are a number of factors to consider. How do you start? Is your garden or property large enough? Do you have the time to maintain a...
Explore the effectiveness of small cell size in Varroa control and the cautionary insights from trials in this informative blog. Australian beekeepers, beware of internet solutions and embrace cautious experimentation for hive health.
Discover the intersection of tradition and innovation in beekeeping as we delve into the valuable insights from New Zealand's beekeeping community. Learn how Australian apiarists can enhance hive management and Varroa control practices through strategic experimentation and meticulous sampling.
Discover how Varroa mites are reshaping the economics of beekeeping globally and why a shift towards maximum management with fewer hives is essential for long-term profitability. Learn valuable insights for beekeepers worldwide, including those in Australia, to mitigate Varroa's impact...
Dive into the forefront of beekeeping innovation with a deep exploration of efforts to breed Varroa-resistant bees. From classical breeding to genetic breakthroughs, uncover the promising strides made in New Zealand and their potential to revolutionize global beekeeping practices.
Discover invaluable insights for Australian beekeepers as they confront the Varroa challenge. Dr. Mark Goodwin's narrative draws from New Zealand's experiences, offering universal lessons on surveillance, government intervention, and the inevitability of Varroa's presence. Explore proactive strategies to safeguard colonies...
Discover the journey of Dr. Mark Goodwin in revolutionizing Varroa mite control strategies. Gain insights into integrated control programs (IPM) and the challenges faced by beekeepers worldwide. Learn how Australian beekeepers can tailor IPM approaches for sustainable Varroa management amidst...
Discover Dr. Mark Goodwin's method for monitoring Varroa mite levels with a capping scratcher. Explore Ecrotek's products for effective hive protection. Start safeguarding your bee colonies today!
Uncover the intricate biology of the Varroa mite with Dr. Mark Goodwin as he explores its lifecycle and behaviors. Learn how Varroa infiltrates hives, targets drone brood, and feeds on pupae, impacting bee health. Gain valuable insights for Australia's beekeeping...
Explore the Varroa mite's impact on beekeeping with Dr. Mark Goodwin. Learn about its global spread, economic consequences, and ongoing efforts for sustainable solutions. Watch the video for insights into honeybees and the Varroa mite's evolution.
Explore Dr. Mark Goodwin's expert insights on Varroa mite treatment timing, tailored for Australian beekeepers. Learn how to navigate diverse climates and optimize treatment strategies for maximum effectiveness.
Discover crucial insights for Australian beekeepers in this enlightening video by Dr. Mark Goodwin on Varroa mite management. Learn about tailored approaches for Australia's tropical climate, flexible treatment durations, integrated control programs, and strategic timing for administering treatments. Stay ahead...
Discover essential insights for Australian beekeepers in combating Varroa mites and safeguarding hive health. Learn about strategic treatment timing, rotating treatment products, and key considerations such as wearing protective gear and monitoring Varroa levels post-treatment. Incorporate lessons from New Zealand's...
Discover expert insights on Varroa resistance management in beekeeping. Learn valuable strategies for sustainable Varroa control, including alternating treatment classes and post-treatment sampling. Avoid the pitfalls of ineffective resistance management and mitigate hive losses. Strengthen your approach to beekeeping with...
Learn how to protect your bee colony from Varroa mites with the Icing Sugar Shake technique. This non-invasive method utilizes common kitchen items to quickly detect mite infestations and intervene early, safeguarding your hive's health.
Explore the Ether Roll technique, a simple yet effective method for monitoring Varroa mites in beehives. Learn how Australian beekeepers can quickly assess Varroa infestation levels, enabling timely interventions to safeguard hive health.
Explore the innovative technique of drone trapping in beekeeping, offering targeted Varroa mite control with reduced chemical dependency. Uncover the labor-intensive nature and limited adoption of this method, alongside its potential benefits for Australian beekeepers amid growing concerns over conventional...
Beekeepers in Australia face diverse challenges in maintaining hive health. Our symptom checker provides insights into Varroa mites, European foulbrood, Chalk brood, Sacbrood virus, and American foulbrood. Learn to identify symptoms like deformed wings, darkened brood cells, and irregular cell...
Delve into the intricate world of beekeeping as Dr. Mark Goodwin sheds light on the complexities of Varroa mites. Learn to distinguish their symptoms from other brood diseases, ensuring timely intervention for colony health. Download your free symptoms checker now!
Unlock the Power of Ventilated Bottom Boards in the Battle Against Varroa Mites Dr. Mark Goodwin unveils a game-changing tool for beekeepers worldwide: the ventilated bottom board. Dive into its mechanics and discover how this simple modification can disrupt Varroa...
Unravel the intricate dynamics of Varroa mites and their devastating impact on bee colonies. Dr. Mark Goodwin unveils a paradigm-shifting truth: it's not Varroa alone but the viruses it spreads that pose the real threat to hive health. Explore the...
Introduction: As Varroa mites make their presence felt in Australia, beekeepers need robust strategies to safeguard their hives. Synthetic varroa mite treatments have proven efficacy in New Zealand, but adapting these methods to the unique conditions of Australian beekeeping requires...
Discover effective strategies for managing Varroa Mite infestations in Australian beehives with Ecrotek's comprehensive guide. From identifying weak hives to exploring organic treatment options, empower yourself with expert insights to safeguard your apiary's health.
Your summer beekeeping checklist Summer is a busy time for bees. Long, warm days and readily available nectar supplies make for intensive honey production and increased egg-laying. Colony numbers peak and bees spend much of their time building and filling...
What It Means, And When To Take Action Bees are complex creatures. There’s a lot to learn – and even old-hand beekeepers need guidance from time to time. If you’ve noticed bees hanging around the front of your hive more...
How to prevent invasion and treat infestation Bees make so many useful and delicious products – honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly – it makes sense that humans aren’t the only species that want to access them. But unlike humans, who...
The Important Role Of The Queen Bee In A Colony The queen bee is at the heart of the hive. She’s the mother of all the other members and the glue that holds the colony together. Without a queen, the...
Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention Tropilaelaps mites are external parasites that move quickly among honeycombs and feed on the haemolymph (blood) of bee larvae and pupae. They’re native to Asia, but pose a significant threat to beekeeping worldwide – if they...
Bee Friendly Garden - Tips When we hear about bees most of us think of honeybees (Apis mellifera) but there are many more bees around us. New Zealand has 28 native and 13 introduced species of bee. The bee’s most...
Choosing a hive and location for your bees On a macro-level, bees can live almost anywhere. You can keep hives whether you live on a huge farm, a small suburban garden, or a tiny urban property. In the wild, bee...
How To Identify them, And What They Say About Your Hive For anyone just starting beekeeping, identifying different cells can be a hard task. Knowing how to deal with them can be even trickier. If you open your hive and...
Your Guide To Modern Homesteading When you think of a homestead, you may imagine a glorious farmhouse sitting on acres of land with rolling hills, pigs in a pen, chickens in the backyard and an orchard full of fruit trees....
All the buzz on safety equipment and practices It’s unavoidable: if you’re keeping bees, sooner or later you’ll get a sting. It’s just what bees do: the safety of their hive is of the utmost importance, and they’ll use their...
​So, you’re thinking about keeping bees? Whether you want 1 or 1000 hives, beekeeping can be a hugely rewarding hobby. Beehives take time; they need to be managed carefully, so before you get any hives, you should think about what...
Spring of Swarms – How To Safely Capture a Bee Swarm. Bee swarms have an undeserved reputation. They’re seen as dangerous, and non-beekeepers often find them pretty scary. In fact, bees are usually at their least threatening and most docile...
Rules and Regulations for Australian Beekeepers Beekeeping can be a satisfying and fruitful hobby, but it’s not quite as simple as taking up knitting or model-making. Because living creatures, food products, and potential hazards are involved, even hobby beekeepers need...
Protect bees, prevent stings – how to keep wasps out of your garden Whether you’re a gardener, a beekeeper, or just love the outdoors, wasps in the garden are less than ideal. Painful stings are the most obvious downside, but...
Preparation, placement, patience – safe beekeeping practices Beekeeping involves working with a large number of unpredictable living things. So of course, there are risks and dangers. But if you follow safe beekeeping guidelines, you should be able to minimise the...
Monitor, manage and minimise swarms Keeping your bees happy, healthy and swarm-free. Swarming may be natural bee behaviour, but it’s not popular with most beekeepers. When a colony swarms, roughly half the population, including the queen, leaves the hive in...
How to identify and help native Aussie bees When you think of a bee, you probably picture a classic, yellow-and-black striped honey bee, or its furry cousin the bumblebee. You’re probably not imagining metallic green, shiny red, or blue-polka-dotted insects....
Why beginners should join a beekeeping club 5 reasons to find your local beekeeping buddies Beekeeping isn’t something you get right away. Like any hobby, it takes trial and error to find out what works and what doesn’t. Newbie beekeepers...
How To Set Up and Fill Your First Beehive So, you’re starting a new colony? This is an exciting time for new and experienced beekeepers alike. It’s a chance to learn more about how bee colonies live and work, help...
​Helping with the hives: children and beekeeping Kids and beekeeping may not seem like natural partners. After all, beekeeping involves being patient, methodical and calm – not quite what small children are known for. But if you’re a beekeeper with...
The fascinating world of honey bees We all know that bees make honey, but how many of us really understand the inner workings of a beehive? Honey bees are fascinating creatures, living in huge colonies with complex social structures. And...
Honey is great, but there’s more! Other wonderful things busy bees do for us You might think of beekeeping as being all about honey, but it’s a whole lot more than that. Bees produce honey, sure, but along the way...
A look into Australian honey varieties Our bees work hard to make honey, sometimes collecting nectar from more than one million flowers to produce almost half a kilo. The flavour of honey is affected by different flower nectars. While foraging,...
The dos and don’ts of honey harvesting How to take your honey from hive to jar Honey is the whole point of beekeeping, right? If you’re a new beekeeper, your first honey harvest is pretty exciting – but figuring out...
The future of beekeeping With honeybees responsible for pollinating 80% of our food, our future is dependent on their survival. But pesticides, modern farming practices and climate change are disrupting the natural environment that bees live in, putting their future,...
Your Guide To Feeding Bees Supplemental feeding is a controversial topic in Australia. It comes with a lot of conflicting information, which can leave you feeling confused about what to do. The truth is, feeding your bees in the lead-up...
Winter Beekeeping: Taking care of beehives in winter Keeping your bees cosy in cold weather Winter is a natural rest time for bees. After building up their honey stores through spring and summer, they’re ready to hole up in the...

